Welcome, welcome… Come on in. It’s good to see you again. You may remember me from my podcast Anxiety Diaries, or perhaps you follow me on Instagram or TikTok or Facebook or YouTube, or maybe you’re actually just my mom and my sister (because I know I definitely added you to this newsletter 😉).
However you’ve made your way here, I want to say thank you very much for being here and I hope you’ll stick around. You can consider Anxious Dude a kind of Anxiety Diaries 2.0 in a way. While I loved doing that podcast, it was simply impossible to sustain on my own.1 Yet, ever since that final episode aired, I’ve always wanted to continue the conversations I started there around mental health, awesome people, and so much more. Anxious Dude will be the place where that (and more!) happens.
A Little Housekeeping
To give you an idea of what you can expect as a subscriber, here’s the plan: Two emails a week. That’s its. No more. No less. Two. For now, they’ll likely be on Tuesdays and Thursdays (subject to change, of course).
The first type of email you’ll see is straight from me, Scott Neumyer. It might be a short personal essay or a bit about anxiety, mental health in the current news. It could me sharing a piece by someone else who is doing amazing work in this space. Hell, it might just be a list of everything that made me freak out this week. This one’s a bit fluid, so we’ll find our way as we go. Don’t worry… it’ll be fun.
The second type of email you’ll see from me every week is perhaps what I’m most excited about because it’s not about me, but about you. Yes, all of you. Every week you’ll see an I Am Anxious… email, featuring someone answering questions about their own anxieties and feelings about mental health awareness.
Yes, it will definitely feature authors and celebrities and folks in the mental health space, but I’m also very keen on also including plumbers and teachers and parents and stay at home grandparents and people from literally every walk of life. I want this newsletter to be you just as much (if not more) than it is about me. I truly want Anxious Dude to be a community for everyone.
With that being said…
If you are interested in being a part of the newsletter in the coming weeks and taking the I Am Anxious… questionnaire, please email me (scott.neumyer@gmail.com) and I’ll get you on the list! I’d love to have you.2 I have a few planned and done already, but I would love to get to the point where we are sharing so many reader stories that I’m backed up for months.
And that’s that…
First email and I’m already talking too much, huh?3 Well, that’s all for now. You’ll see Anxious Dude starting up with our two emails a week cadence in the next week or so. In the meantime, subscribe, tell your friends, share the newsletter, consider becoming a paid subscriber (you get access to more content, community chat, etc), spread the word. Anxious Dude is a reader-supported newsletter, so thank you again for being here.
Be well and keep talking.
DISCLAIMER: I am, by no means, a medical profession. If you need help, please seek qualified medical attention. This newsletter, while informative and fun, is no substitute for the real thing.
Audio editing is super time-consuming… trust me, hire an editor.
And if you have something to promote (a new book, a movie, a newsletter, a social profile… whatever it is) I’m happy to let you use this space to promote it.
I promise these will be much more concise in the future. Really, I promise. 😬